The Startup

keep the fire alive

You’ve got a great idea that could help a lot of people. You're building a team with brains, heart, and hustle. You've read the books and crunched the numbers. And you envision a company culture driven by passion, inspired by common goals, and on a mission to make a difference.

So how do you lay a strong, values-based foundation for success? The answer lies in telling your story well. Companies that last are built from the inside out. They can articulate who they are, how they're unique, and the deeper "why" that drives their business. If you want to keep the fire alive for years to come, your true story is the fuel.

The Solopreneur

tall trees, deep roots

If you work alone, chances are you're a bit of a rogue. You're a visionary, a leader with something to say, and you're not afraid to go out on a limb for what you believe in. But getting your message out depends on your ability to attract your ideal followers, make authentic connections, and help them see themselves in your message.

You need a story that is unique and compelling. Fortunately, all the elements of that story are already within you. We're here to help you dig deep and tap into the wells that will sustain you and nourish the growth of your work. 


The Seeker

wherever you go, there you are

You've never been satisfied with the status quo. You believe there's always more to learn about the world and your place in it. You take pleasure in the pursuit of understanding, even when it takes you down the occasional rabbit trail, because you know that's where all the good stuff is. 

Now you find yourself at a crossroads. Perhaps you're facing a life decision, career transition, or other shift that has you wondering who you are now, and what's next. Whatever your situation, your story holds the key to clarity. We'll partner with you to map your truth, and explore the opportunities to live your purpose and expand your vision. 



The Wordsmith

Rebecca smith, founder

I collect great questions. My personal favorite, "Why," is one I picked up as a toddler and never put down. Born into a family of entrepreneurs, I've danced the multiple hats mambo at startups and small businesses from New York to California. 

My study of philosophy, politics, and writing stems from a passion for getting under the surface, exploring what makes cultures thrive and people grow. I uncover my clients' deepest truths, helping them own their story and articulate the unique flavor of the difference they make.

 I consult with visionaries and leaders around the globe, empowering them to do great work from the inside out. When I'm not on a truth quest, I'm likely chopping, stirring, or snacking on something from the farmers' market.